Is the “C” back in the YMCA?
Was it ever gone?
It has changed a lot since 1844, like all the different kinds of Christianity’s have changed over the past twenty centuries.
That’s part of the problem of the “C” in the Y – Christianity is diverse in the world and the YMCA: depending on what kind of “C” you are looking for, you might not see the “C” that is flourishing there.
Like Christianity in the USA and the YMCA, faith is a dynamic, contested, adapting, vibrant, controversial, disruptive, divisive, uniting, healing reality.
Christianity, faith, spirituality is complicated and messy. And that’s ok.
This means there are also a variety of energies and visions for a stronger, healthier “C” in the YMCA.
So who is doing what in the YMCA in the USA to strengthen our mission, build a healthier “C” in the Y, and support the presence of Christ Jesus in every YMCA?
This compilation is based on what I’m aware of – let me know if you have more to add:
- Christian CEOs / Directors / Leaders / Volunteers / Members
- Christian symbols / art / Scriptures
- Good Friday Breakfast
- National Day of Prayer
- Christian Leadership Conference (CLC)
- Raggers / C in the YMCA book
- Chapels
- Bible Studies/Prayer Groups
- Meetings: opening prayers & devotions
- Christian Emphasis Committees
- Volunteerism w Christian Non-Profits (I.e. Habitat, Rescue Mission, Church Food Banks, etc.)
- Service Mission Trips (local/global)
- Programs: i.e. Journey to Freedom, GriefShare, Finances God’s Way, FCA Coaching, etc.
- Covenant Church Partnerships
- CITY (Church In The Y)
- Clergy Volunteer Chaplains & Prayer Tables
- Silver Bay Chaplains Retreat
- Monday Prayer National Call
- Certified Chaplains (clergy/members)
- Health Coaches (holistic/Christian)
- Harold C. Smith Symposium Papers
- YMCA Staff Christian Emphasis Training & Discussion Guide
- YMCA Strong Challenge
- Friends of the Jerusalem YMCA
- OnPrinciple
- YMCA Christian Principles (YCP)
- Being Christ’s Presence In The YMCA (YCP)
- Faith As A Dimension of Diversity (YCP)
- How To Save Souls in the Y Like George Williams (YCP)
- Kingdom Contentment (YCP)
- Chaplains For All (YCP)
- Silver Bay Institute
- Flourishing For All (FFA)
- YouVersion YMCA Devotions
- YouTube George Williams Story (3 part series)
- ymca.spiritmindbody (Instagram)
- Books: I.e. Oswald Chambers, David Newman, Tracy Howe, C. Hopkins, Clyde Binfield, Paul Limbert, John Mott, etc.
- YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly
Links to Click:
YMCA Christian Principles (YCP) – for events, training, articles, networking

Being Christ’s Presence In The YMCA (BCPY) – monthly Zoom call on how Christian leaders live out their faith through their Y work

YouTube George Williams Story (3 part series) The Reason Why
Friends of the JIY – US support for Jerusalem International YMCA

OnPrinciple – strategic effort to strengthen Christian presence in the YMCA through adaptive leadership training, immersion in Holy Land YMCA’s and mentoring
Church In The Y (CITY) Movement
Christian Leadership Conference (CLC)

YouVersion YMCA Devotions

YMCA Books
Strengthening the Organizational Heart by Tracy Howe

The Shining Light by David Newman

Reliving A Century by Paul Limbert