Welcome to Flourishing For All!
Flourishing For All provides vital Christian resources from the YMCA past and present to nourish inclusive and equitable work in our diverse and global neighborhoods that build up healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

Why this site and what will you find here?

Tim Hallman started Flourishing For All in 2016 when hired by the YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne (Northeast Indiana USA) as their first Christian Emphasis Director.
Originally designed to host weekly devotions, it expanded to encompass a wide range of relevant content to local, state, national and global YMCA Christian emphasis work.
You’ll find blog posts, articles and documents, images, and prayers that offer inspiration, strategy, and focus.

Faith, religion and spirituality are as relevant, vital and inspiring as ever as we build healthy leaders for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Learn more about how the YMCA has done this in the past, who is doing it well now, and together we can discern how it can spur on flourishing for all for generations to come.

Ever since Sir George Williams founded the Young Men’s Christian Association we’ve had to adapt amidst tumultuous global events and unending local challenges. Responding strategically, decisively, and compassionately to the spirit, mind and body needs of each era and generation is part of our Y legacy.

Get help to clarify your challenges for leadership development as well as emerging opportunities for inclusive faith as dynamic dimension of diversity in your Y.
Get connected to resources, ideas, and leader who can come alongside you, help you focus on your strengths, on what Christ is already doing in your YMCA, and how you can join in on it.