“God’s love sees us, knows us and extends to us no matter how we feel or where we are.”
Psalm 139 ‘Oh Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.’
“Whatever others say, each person is a special individual who is known and highly valued by God, with all their struggles, gifts and unique characteristics.
God has promised to walk with us through all the ups and downs of life.
Sometimes God helps us to overcome difficulties and at other times we are given strength and faith to keep walking on.”
• When was the time you first felt loved by God?
• Have you felt closer or further away from God during the pandemic?
• Is it a good thing or a scary thing that God knows everything we do and think?
• Are we good at trusting God when life becomes hard?
• As you finish the study today, remember always that God loves you, no matter how broken you feel.
Father God in Heaven, We thank you for the love you show us every day, even when it is us who have messed up.
We thank you for the amazing act of sending your son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.
As we continue to move out of this pandemic we are so grateful for how you have provided for so many, and shown your love to us all, even while the world seems covered in darkness.
For we know the darkness is not dark to you, you see through it, you see us and our hearts and our struggles and our personal situations, giving us your light and guidance as we find our way through the dark.
And we’re thankful for the eternal hope we have in you that there is a way out of the darkness, and we pray we’d take the steps to get there and help make it even brighter for everyone else.
You are an awesome God, and we thank you for your love every day.
Please share any thoughts, insights or recorded actions that come as a result of today’s devotions on social media using the hashtag: #WWOP21 Team of Writers: Matthew Malloch, Scotland; Edwin Mapurisa, Zimbabwe; Franklin Prashanth, India; Ivory Manio, Philippines; Seng Moon Pan Maji, Myanmar
If you are on Instagram, I highly recommend you follow @ymcairelandchaplaincy – they post inspiring content and are participating in the World Week of Prayer with daily posts and videos.