Written by Eric Ellsworth, CEO/COO YMCA of the Cayman Islands
“How could this be?”
Imagine Zechariah, a good man, and Israelite priest, going about his duties in the temple when an angel startled him with an unbelievable message: your wife will bear a son in her old age.
Instead of rejoicing at this good news, Zechariah could only doubt it.
What would you have said? Imagine Zechariah leaving the temple, stumbling along the stone-paved street, headed home, stunned and in disbelief.
I remember walking along that old street while in Jerusalem, and now I try to put myself in Zechariah’s sandals – trying to make sense of an unbelievable message – from an angel, regarding your wife who is past child-bearing years, about a son who will prepare Israel for the presence of the Lord.
Lord help us in our disbelief!
What does this look like in our lives?
For my work in the YMCA, we often have opportunities or promptings to help people or create transformational programs that “put Christian principles into practice.”
Too many times, though, we answer the call with, “I am too busy,” “where will the money come from,” or “my boss won’t approve.”
Any number of objections or doubts can come and cause us to miss the peace and joy of simply saying “yes” to God.
We often hear God’s voice in our hearts through His Holy Spirit, but we quickly move to the practical, earthly realities rather than rejoicing and obeying the whispers of the Spirit.
Like Zechariah, when we hear God’s good news, we too can learn to say “yes” – for God desires that we grow closer and closer in relationship with Him through our obedience and faith.
The greatest gifts in my life come through obedience to God’s call upon me, and the greatest blessings come when I trust the Father to make me who he wants me to be: holy and present.
This is God’s plan: to follow Him- let Him Lead- to Be His!!
Would you pray with me?
Dear Lord, thank you for your free gift of forgiveness when we doubt you. Please help us believe your messages to us and answer your call to sacrificial service. Bring us to full obedience through your power and glory forever and ever. Amen.

Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.”
The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.
And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”
Gospel according to Luke, 1:18-20 NIV