Enjoy these YMCA Devotions written by Y staff and volunteers
Enjoy this newly released YMCA devotion centered on the prayer of Jesus and the central prayer of the YMCA in John 17:21.

It was written by YMCA Chaplains from Washington to Virginia, Tennessee to Texas, Indiana to New York.
ONE: a YMCA Devotion Series on YouVersion – inspired by John 17:21

Enjoy this online YMCA devotion series published on YouVersion written by our YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne pastors!
It’s based on the Good News that Jesus prayed in the Garden on the night he was arrested: “that they all may be one.”
Meditate on the faithfulness of Jesus to the world – use this link to access the devotion on YouVersion:
CHOSEN BY GOD: Becoming Christ’s Holy Presents For The World

LIVING STONES: Lead, Care, and Serve Like Jesus
This free YMCA devotion is available on YouVersion and as downloadable PDF booklet
How can we be ‘like living stones’ used by God to build up the presence of Christ where we lead?
We are going to take you to 12 places in the Holy Land where Jesus ministered and YMCA leaders recently experienced.
From this, we take spiritual leadership principles – or living stones – that Christ-followers can embody everywhere as we are built up to lead, care and serve like Jesus.

We pray you enjoy and are inspired by our devotion, a labor of love; please feel free to share!

You are invited to learn more about the YMCA onPrinciple program, resources, and partners.