by Bruce Jeffery, Vice President of Community Action in YMCA of Greater Cincinnati
When Jesus showed up that night to the disciples walking on the water while they were in the boat, what was going through his mind about testing their faith?
Jesus set an amazing example for his disciples, leading by faith through his belief that his Father in Heaven would protect him while walking on the water.
Jesus’ leadership shows us that stretching your faith in God is a crucial test we must all endure on this journey.
I think one way our faith is often tested is when we wrestle with turning over a situation or idea to God, and trusting that if it’s his will, believing it’s already done.
Not long ago I was in a boat on the sea of Galilee, and I couldn’t help to have many real-life fears.
As a non-swimmer, I had the fear of, “Will the boat tip over?” “Will there be a storm like in the Bible to come while we are on the boat?”
Any number of thoughts came across my mind until I really sat and thought, “This is what the disciples felt.”
As I remember being in that boat, it’s powerful to imagine what it would have been like to see Jesus walk up towards the boat and calls to one of his disciples to test his faith.
While we were on the boat in Galilee listening to this Gospel story being read, it hit me, “Keep my eyes on Christ and there is nothing to be afraid of.”
Would I have been as courageous as Peter to step out of the boat?
The story tells us that as the storm got worse, Peter took his eyes off Jesus and immediately began to sink.
I believe all of our faith has and will be tested, whether you are a seasoned Christian or someone who has just committed themselves to Christ.
Will we courageously accept the testing of our faith?
Or, will we lose sight of what Christ is doing in us and for us?
Would you pray with me?
Dear God, forgive me for losing faith in you at times. I know that you are God and trust that what you’re doing in my life is for me. Help me to keep my eyes focused on Jesus Christ through the storm and strengthen me to be a living stone as I seek you more and more every day. Amen.
“They cried out because they all saw him and were terrified.
Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed,”
Gospel according to Mark, 6.50-51

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